Jipmernet is a network of students, alumni and faculty of JIPMER to promote fellowship and collaborations with our friends, peers, seniors, juniors and teachers! Our mission is to inspire students and engage with our alma mater JIPMER and assisting in providing excellent educational facilities, to facilitate scientific exchange of medical knowledge and to improve patient care
Bonfire - Students' Newsletter
Our students’ monthly newsletter – students sharing stories, exchaning information and engaging with faculty and alumni.

Jipmernet is open for current and past physician trainees, graduates and educators from JIPMER:
1. MBBS students
2. MD / MS residents
3. DM / MCh fellows / Clinical PhD Fellows
4. Faculty, Director
Note that jipmernet is not part of any alumni association.

About jipmernet
Jipmernet was established in December 1994 by Shyam Visweswaran (class of 1983).
Numerous Jipmerites have contributed to Jipmernet especially to the Jipmernet Forum who, among others, include Raghuthaman Opeh aka Opeh (class of 1962), S Soundararaghavan aka Soundy (class of 1968), Shivshankar Sastry aka Sastry (class of 1972), Rajan Swain (class of 1974), Subroto Bhattacharya aka Bhatta (class of 1975), Pradeep Bansal (class of 1975), Amit K Ghosh (class of 1979), Nalin Mehta (class of 1981), Vaidyanathan Swaminathan aka Vaidy (class of 1990), Deepak Sagaram aka Sagaram (class of 1993) and Deevakar Rogith (class of 2004).
In addition, S Nanda Ganapathy (class of 1969) and Rajan Swain (class of 1974) have contributed to the Magazine section by scanning old student magazines.
Finally, JAANA has been extraordinarily helpful in providing financial support for Jipmernet.
Jipmernet is dedicated to the memories of Jayadev Menon and Mohammed Nadeem aka Naddu both of the class of 1983 who were tragically plucked from this world when far too young.
Reach us at help@jipmer.net .
Contact our alumni organizations:
- JAA (India) : jaa@jipmer.net
- JAANA (USA/Canada) : jaana@jipmer.net
- JAAUK (UK) : jaauk@jipmer.net